CSS Minifier

CSS Minifier web development tool

Having trouble uploading your CSS code? Code files can be large and take some time to upload we get it. The CSS Minifier tool offered by GigaBook helps you with just that! CSS Minifier takes your code and condenses it for optimized loading speeds. I bet you’re asking yourself how does this tool work? Simply copy and paste your CSS code into the tool and select what you would like to remove, whether you want to remove whitespace between semicolons, units from zero values, the CSS Minifier has you covered!

The CSS Minifier gives you the ability to pick and choose what you would like to minimize. With simple check boxes, it makes condensing your CSS code a breeze and painless. Developing code and uploading code can be a nightmare, with the CSS Minifier it doesn’t have to be.

GigaBook offers a wide variety of tools just like the CSS Minifier! How many is a wide variety you say? Over 40 free tools are offered in our web development tools! These tools are FREE to use with a simple sign up! We offer tools such as the CSS Minifier and other like it to make your web development as efficient as possible. We hope that you keep GigaBook in mind when it comes to your appointment booking software needs!

Try GigaBook’s Free CSS Minifier Tool