WordPress Appointment Booking, Scheduling Widget

Create an appointment booking, scheduling widget for your Wordpress website or blog.

Do you have a blog or website that is created using WordPress?  Did you know that you can easily take appointments, bookings and client scheduling requests using the GigaBook Booking Widget.  You have lots of options too!  You can book client appointments for your services, take group class reservations or maybe just utilize the GigaBook Contact Form.

In order to add the GigaBook Appointment Widget to you WordPress site you need to follow a few easy steps:

1) Sign up for your Free 14 day trial so you can generate your Booking Widget Code

2) Go to the Booking Widget Creator section of your GigaBook account.  You must be signed in to access.

3) Create and customize your own appointment booking widget according to the needs of your business and the appearance of your site.

Booking Widget Creator

4) Click the “EMBED” button in the upper right hand corner of the page, this will allow you to view and copy the Booking Widget code

5) Using your WordPress Control Panel insert the Booking Widget code you created into a TEXT Widget if you want to insert it into one of your sidebars, or using the HTML setting you can place it directly on one of your webpages.

Now that you have placed the Appointment Booking coding on your WordPress site you can easily:

  • Take appointments for your services through your website or blog
  • Set up client reminders and notifications reducing no show appointments
  • Show your availability to your clients and prospects in real-time
  • Convert site visitors into appointments and reservations
  • Create a Contact Form for you website
  • Take Group, Meeting or Class bookings