Take Online Bookings with Payments

Online appointment applications that take payments at point of booking

GigaBook Efficiency, Reliability, Quality, AvailabiltyThe trend of online shopping continues to grow with no signs of slowing down.  Most businesses have a web presence, or they should if they want to remain competitive in the marketplace.  Many companies are moving from simply a presence on the Internet for the purpose of advertising and promotion to an active business platform—a particularly advantageous move for small- and mid-size businesses.

If your products and services can be booked—and paid for—online, you’ll soon experience numerous benefits that can increase your business.

From a customer’s point of view, you’re offering the convenience of being open 24/7.  More bookings are made during the evening hours when people are home and this allows customers—and potential customers—to make appointments outside the typical 9 to 5 window.

Since customers get a clear view of appointment availability, they can appreciate the excellent customer service you provide. They can book, pay, and get confirmation promptly, and can use their electronic device of choice, whether it’s a smart phone, tablet or laptop.

From a business owner’s point of view, you’re minimizing your workload by eliminating many of your manual tasks.  Outside of your normal business hours, you don’t have to worry about having your phone answered.  Nor do you have to have someone manually booking the appointments.  Information is automatically captured and confirmations are instantly sent.

By allowing customers to book and pay online, you’re also reducing costly no shows and cancellations.  You’re also increasing your chances of converting visitors to your site into customers.