Martial Arts Class Scheduling Software

Online student booking sofware for Karate, Tae Kwon Do and other Martial Arts businesses


Martial Arts Class Booking SoftwareDedication and discipline, those are just some of the traits that you are trying to teach kids when they come to you for you’re teaching of the arts. The hardest part is connecting you with these young minds. Either you are busy with other students or they are also busy. Never does it work perfectly so that the two of you can schedule an appointment easily. Hours and hours of wasted time turns into lots of unearned money. Gigabook is the solution for you. Now you can make your current website into and realtime booking website in a matter of minutes! Students can just go onto your site and setup appointments, then you will be automatically notified. Sometimes we get busy also, we lose track of time and we forget, Gigabook can help you there too. You can set up reminders to be sent to your phone or be sent to your students so that no one forgets again.

Try Gigabook’s Martial Arts Class Appointment Software

With Gigabook Online Appointment Software, you can:

  • Start accepting appointments online through your current website
  • Send emails or texts messages as reminders to your students
  • Remind yourself with emails or text messages
  • Setup reoccurring classes with just a click

All of these settings for your classes can be customized to your liking with Gigabook’s Group Setting Booking Tool. Everything can be changed to fit your business, and it is as easy as copy and paste.

The following benefits can be experienced with the use of effective appointment and calendar management:

  • Maximize revenue by reducing the extra time you spend on scheduling
  • Increase retention with your students through reminders
  • Increase your conversation rate and decrease no-shows

Your current website can be a real-time booking website in no time!