Decorator Appointment Booking Software

Online Appointment Booking Software for Decorators


Decorator Appointment Booking Software As season change and events shift from indoors to outdoors, from graduations to weddings and birthdays your time becomes extremely valuable. Meeting with clients multiple times, ensuring that everything is planned out and runs smoothly. It can be changeling meeting with multiple clients in a single day. Some meetings may last 30 minutes, while others may be a couple of hours. Making sure your decorations come out perfectly for your clients is key when it comes to repeat customers and growing your business reputation. Online appointment software, can help you with your scheduling needs and grow your business at the same time

Try GigaBook’s Decorator Appointment Software

Having an online appointment booking software tremendously benefits your business! Your time is maximized, you are able to focus on your current client’s needs and more! GigaBook lets you customize your appointment bookings to match the themes of your current website and will work with your current website. You are able to sync GigaBook with multiple calendars ensuring that nothing is overlooked. GigaBook allows the option to send notification reminders to your clients via text or email. With GigaBook you can easily set reoccurring appointments with your clients until their scheduled event! Using the projects and to-do list function, you are able to stay organized and on track for deadlines.

With GigaBook Online Appointment Software you can:

  • Accept appointment through your existing website.
  • Send notification reminders to clients about upcoming appointments.
  • Sync with other calendars such as Gmail and Outlook.
  • Create projects and to-do for you and your staff.
  • Easily set repeat appointments.