Go Kart Booking Software

Online reservation software ideal for Go Kart racing businesses

Go Kart Booking SoftwareFrom the ages of 8 to 50 everyone loves Go Carts! It has got to be one of the more desired vacation or amusement park activities! However, their are so many more places that have began to see the revenue boost in them, they are becoming every more popular. You have figured out a way do make your carts work for you and become the number one guy for Go Carts! Whether it is a party or more of a contract basis, you have the resource that people want! With all of these Go Carts though its can be hard renting them out and managing them all! That is why GigaBook is able to help you in all of your steps

GigaBook can manage all the steps of the booking process for you! All the way from someone renting a Go Cart, picking the booking time, and paying for it. This can all be managed in one system! Now you can also sync with and export those invoices to QuickBooks so your finances can be directly linked! Booking has never been easier.

Try Gigabook’s Go Kart Booking Software

With Gigabook Online Booking Software, you can:

  • Take bookings through your current website in real-time
  • Send automated emails or texts to your clients
  • Have similar automated messages sent to you
  • have recurring bookings for your contract clients with a click of a button

Don’t waste anymore time, become efficient and have better time management with GigaBook!