Mobile Booking Application for Business

How to use mobile booking applications for your business

Mobile booking for your businessHaving access to things on your phone is a necessity in this technological era. Look around you when you are in public; standing in line at Starbucks, riding on the subway, waiting for kids to finish up soccer practice, and even friends “hanging” out together, everyone is on their phone.

We rely on our phones for everything like keeping up with emails, seeing your friend’s new baby pictures, the current celebrity statuses, looking at pics of what your foodie co-worker had for lunch, and very importantly: keeping track of busy schedules!

Try GigaBook’s Mobile Booking Software for free!

Your business may be open to new clients, but here is the issue you might be having… booking. You are using a paper calendar, or possibly an online calendar that only you and your employees can see, so your clients have no idea when you are available. This means they have to call you, and probably leave a message because they are calling before work, after work, or during lunch; and you guessed it… your business is closed at that time, too. So you either lose their business or they leave a message. When you call back, they are working or unavailable and this phone tag never ends. Your time and your employees’ time are so busy with phone calls and emails, when are you actually going to perform the services you offer which make up your business?

So the clients are already on their phones, and you have a business needing a better booking solution. We have the perfect answer for you, which is GigaBook.

GigaBook is a cloud-based appointment-booking platform geared towards small to medium sized businesses. As the business owner, you simply fill out some basic information about what your business offers, grab the HTML created from your GigaBook platform, plug it into your pre-existing website, and you are ready for online booking! You can make this as simple or as customizable as you desire. Our user-friendly program and wonderful (and available-if-needed) customer service will make this business upgrade a dream.

So your website is now capable to book online. After syncing with your current online calendar, your availability will be shown in real-time. The moment a client books your time, it is immediately blocked from availability. Have a personal errand? No problem, just block off your time. Your clients now see all of your available spots and can choose what is best for them. The greatest part is this can all be done from their phone.

Now that you have GigaBook: your clients are happy with the easy process of mobile booking with your business, you have less phone calls to sort through, you (and your employees) have more free time to get other important things done, your calendar is always updated, you never double book, you have an increase in sales and a decrease in overhead, and you have less headaches from organization stress.

The mobile booking feature makes signing up for GigaBook seem like it’s the obvious next step for your business, but mobile booking is just one of the many amazing features that GigaBook offers. GigaBook is here to be your online assistant in many areas of your business including collecting payments, to-do lists, email and text appointment reminders, invoicing, collecting client info, and so much more. Check out GigaBook today, and you wont ever know how you and your business survived without it!