Project Quote Calculator

Online Project Quote Calculator web developer tool

Need to create an invoice for your client, but don’t have a quote? GigaBook can generate a price quote on an itemized statement based on your hourly rate and number of days worked.  Itemize statements with a task and subtask and even add promotional discounts to bring in business. GigaBook will then create a PDF Quote for you that you can then send to your clients. And if you are new to the business or expanding and are unsure of how much you should be charging your clients try the hourly rate calculator where you can set a target salary and incorporate expenses to find your hourly and daily rate!

On your own configuring something as integral to a business as an hourly rate might be a time consuming and mundane task, but GigaBook does all the work for you as your online personal assistant. All three of these web development tools, the Project quote, hourly rate calculator and the PDF quote generator are free services included with GigaBook. Signing up is quick and easy! With these development tools, you can watch your business grow!

Try GigaBook’s Free Project Quote Calculator

Project Quote Calculator