Software for Booking Appointments

Online appointment software ideal for small businesses and service providers

Software for Booking AppointmentsAs a business owner, much of your time is spent looking for new ways to expand your business, meeting with clients and traveling. These are all great aspects of owning a business, but they can also be drawbacks. Traveling requires a lot of your time, and if your clients are sitting and waiting for your response, they may think you’re unresponsive, don’t value their business and decide to take their business elsewhere.

Having software for booking appointments is not only a huge time and money saver, it also leads to fewer errors among you and your staff. You also create and track invoices, which makes it easy to schedule and accept payment for them.

Try GigaBook’s Software for Booking Appointments

When it comes to saving time, booking software will update and sync your calendar(s) with everyone, in real-time. If something changes unexpectedly or you need to send a reminder, online appointment scheduling will automate the process of sending notifications to your clients to keep them up to date.

Another great aspect of appointment software is that you have the ability to market your very own promotions or specials you happen to be running at the time. Instead of tasking you and your staff to call clients for marketing purposes, you can use your appointment software to quickly and easily send notifications to existing and potential clients. A great booking software will also allow for automated client scheduling to set the appointments you need. These benefits, among many others, will result in fewer no-show appointments and also make you, your staff and overall business much more efficient.

With GigaBook’s software for booking appointments, you have the ability to:

  • Create and track invoices
  • Update and sync with third-party calendars in real-time
  • Send notifications to your clients
  • Market promotions and specials
  • Accept appointments through your own website
  • And much more

Try GigaBook for yourself with a free, 14-day trial and let us know what you think!